


Windows 10 | 11 Enterprise for 20 devices

Windows 10 | 11 Enterprise for 20 devices

Windows 10 | 11 Enterprise for 20 devices

Windows 10 | 11 Enterprise is similar to the Pro version of Windows, but does without the Xbox connection and games. Volume licence for a company for use on 20 devices. Valid for an unlimited period. Activates both Windows 10 and Windows 11. For business customers.

Availability: Product not available


$ 97.01

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Windows 10 | 11 Enterprise for 20 devices 10 -10%
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More info

Please first download the software linked to here from the Internet. The downloads are provided by Microsoft and are freely accessible to anyone. Please create a boot medium from these downloadable files. Only purchase the licence once you are in possession of the boot medium.

Software Windows 11 (all languages, can be activated worldwide): DOWNLOAD

Software Windows 10 (all languages, can be activated worldwide) 32-Bit: DOWNLOAD

Software Windows 10 (all languages, can be activated worldwide) 64-Bit: DOWNLOAD

Handbook (in English): DOWNLOAD

End user licence agreement (EULA, in English): DOWNLOAD

You purchase from us:

- The licence to activate the product on one computer.

- 30-day support by e-mail for installation and product activation.

We guarantee:

1. the successful installation and product activation on up to 20 devices.

2. the receipt of all updates from the software manufacturer.

3. permanent use on the 20 devices on which you have installed and activated the operating system. No time limit. No subscription, no further payment obligation.

4. The possibility to reinstall and activate the product on the 20 devices with unchanged hardware.

We do not guarantee:

1. the possibility of activating the product on more than 20 devices.

2. the possibility of moving to other devices with the product.

3. the ability to re-activate the product on the same devices with significantly changed hardware (e.g. new CPU).

Notes on the use of the Mediacreationtool from Microsoft:

The Mediacreationtool is a free application from Microsoft. This free software allows the creation of an installation medium for Windows 8.1 Professional, Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional as well as for Windows 11.

The installation of Windows is possible as a new installation, not as an upgrade, independent of the operating system and also without an operating system on any computer that meets the hardware requirements for the respective Windows version.

The creation of the installation medium is only possible on computers on which a functioning installation of Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11 exists.

System requirements

  • Hard disk space - 16 GB (32-Bit) or 20 GB (64-Bit)
  • Processor - Gigahertz (GHz) or faster
  • Random access memory (RAM) - 1 GB (32-Bit) or 2 GB (64-Bit)
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