


Windows 11 Pro upgrade licence

Windows 11 Pro upgrade licence

Windows 11 Pro upgrade licence

With this licence key you can switch from Windows 11 Home (or Enterprise) to the Pro version without reinstalling. The application is very simple: Please go to -> Start -> Settings -> System -> Activation and insert this licence key there. Your operating system will then reconfigure itself to Windows 11 Pro. Your device must be connected to the Internet during this process.

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$ 26.87

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Windows 11 Pro upgrade licence 10 -10%
Windows 11 Pro upgrade licence 5 -5%

More info

Handbook (in English): DOWNLOAD

End user licence agreement (EULA, in English): DOWNLOAD

You purchase from us:

- The licence to activate the product on one computer.

- 30-day support by e-mail for installation and product activation.

We guarantee:

1. That you will be able to successfully install and activate the product on one computer.

2. That you will be able to retrieve all updates from the software manufacturer.

3. That it will be possible for you to use the operating system permanently on the computer on which you have installed and activated it. There is no time limit. No subscription, no further payment obligation.

4. That you will be able to install and activate the product again on the same computer if the hardware remains unchanged.

We do not guarantee:

1. That you will be able to activate the product on more than one computer.

2. That it will be possible for you to migrate the product to a different computer.

3. That it will be possible for you to re-activate the product on the same computer if considerable changes have been made to the hardware (e.g. a new CPU).

4. Activation on an Apple computer, or in a virtual environment.

Notes on using the media creation tool by Microsoft:

The media creation tool is a free application by Microsoft. This free program allows for the creation of an installation medium for Windows 11.

Windows can be installed as a new installation, not as an upgrade, on any computer that fulfills the minimum hardware requirements for the respective Windows version, regardless of the operating system currently in use, if any.

The installation medium can only be created on computers running a working installation of Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11.

System requirements

  • Hard disk space - 64 GB
  • Processor - Dual-Core 1 Gigahertz (GHz) or faster, 64-bit
  • Random access memory (RAM) - 4 GB
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