


Mosquitoes unfortunately do not listen to Moskito Pro

Published : 2020-08-25 21:54:29

Moskito Pro

When it comes to pulling money out of the pockets of people who believe in good faith, the imagination of the dropshippers seems to know no bounds. But their lack of technical understanding is more an advantage than a disadvantage. For example, they can cheerfully and probably without remorse advertise a small bracelet that is supposed to keep away mosquitoes with ultrasound. They call it "Moskito Pro" (CLICK HERE).

Ultrasound starts at 16,000 hertz. Regarding the hearing ability of mosquitoes, German biologist Mario Ludwig, who fights mosquito plagues full-time, says: "According to studies by US scientists, the hearing limit of mosquitoes is around 2000 hertz, which is far below ultrasound".

So anyone who has spent EUR 39.95 on "Moskito Pro", puts on the nice little bracelet, turns it on and goes to the mosquito area with it, is a delicious meal for mosquitoes. Our tip for this device: Ignore and do not buy. Also not for five or 10 Euros. Equally ineffective, of course, are mobile phone apps that also claim to use ultrasound to repel mosquitoes.

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