Published : 2020-08-24 20:08:01
The BUZZ B-GONE (CLICK HERE) is a device that supposedly attracts and turns off mosquitoes with UV light. The device costs EUR 39.99, which you should better invest in fly screens from your local DIY store. They actually protect your home against the entry of insects in summer.
UV light on the other hand does not attract mosquitoes. All sorts of insects die in the unit, maybe even a mosquito every now and then. But every time a mosquito lands in it, two others have sucked on you. There are simply too many of them in the summer for this or a similar device to make you feel better. Mosquitoes have survived 100 million years of evolution. They will also survive the UV light of the dropshippers.
Avoid the vicinity of outdoor waters. And if you have been bitten after all, selective heat will help against itching. You can produce this with an insect bite healer for just EUR 9.90. PLEASE CLICK HERE! In the USA this device has already been awarded in 2018 and is sold for USD 39.95, SEE HERE.
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